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Quine: Complex AWS Configurations in minutes


Getting Started with quine

quine orchestrates in one shell command to create complex and secure deployments. Taking basic components of Amazon Web Services, turning them into actionable notes of information with quine-map-scripts, a quine-orc-script can be utilized to decide what to do next in an AWS Account. Using quine, you'll be able to identify and designate any number of number of cluster configurations that'll allow testing software in isolated environments

Security is a central theme to the way quine is built. Following the 12 Factor App methodology, Environment Variables are defined and embedded from the orchestration hardware. Orchestration hardware may be your development laptop or a server somewhere in the cloud that has been upgraded to stow an incredible abount of entropy

Deployment Definitions

quine is built to allow engineers the ability to deploy complex AWS configurations in minutes without having to read through AWS Documentation. Expanding on Blue + Green Deployment, quine may use any number of designations to identify AWS clusters

Blue, Green

The primary benefit of Blue + Green deployment is reduction in downtime while maximizing availably and full featured deployment for testing. In theory, automated testing should never be ran on production systems. In practice, we have to do it because its a validative check for decision makers to remain confident in software we ship. Quine helps accelerate your deployments with pre-configured deployment topologies

Pleiades, Orion

Using Babylonian Zodiacal Constellations as primary designations to identify AWS clusters

The primary benefit of Pleiades + Orion deployment is reduction in downtime while maximizing availably and full featured deployment for testing. In theory, automated testing should never be ran on production systems. In practice, we have to do it because its a validative check for decision makers to remain confident in software we ship. Quine helps accelerate your deployments with pre-configured deployment topologies

東方青龍, 北方玄武

Using Chinese constellations as primary designations to identify AWS clusters

The primary benefit of 東方青龍 + 北方玄武 deployment is reduction in downtime while maximizing availably and full featured deployment for testing. In theory, automated testing should never be ran on production systems. In practice, we have to do it because its a validative check for decision makers to remain confident in software we ship. Quine helps accelerate your deployments with pre-configured deployment topologies

안드로메다자리, 황소자리

Using Cheonsang Yeolchabunyajido as primary designations to identify AWS clusters

The primary benefit of 안드로메다자리 + 황소자리 deployment is reduction in downtime while maximizing availably and full featured deployment for testing. In theory, automated testing should never be ran on production systems. In practice, we have to do it because its a validative check for decision makers to remain confident in software we ship. Quine helps accelerate your deployments with pre-configured deployment topologies

Gödel, Escher, Bach

excerpt: Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, also known as GEB, is a 1979 book by Douglas Hofstadter. By exploring common themes in the lives and works of logician Kurt Gödel, artist M. C. Escher, and composer Johann Sebastian Bach, the book expounds concepts fundamental to mathematics, symmetry, and intelligence. Through illustration and analysis, the book discusses how, through self-reference and formal rules, systems can acquire meaning despite being made of "meaningless" elements. It also discusses what it means to communicate, how knowledge can be represented and stored, the methods and limitations of symbolic representation, and even the fundamental notion of "meaning" itself.

The primary benefit of Tortoise + Achilles deployment is reduction in downtime while maximizing availably and full featured deployment for testing. In theory, automated testing should never be ran on production systems. In practice, we have to do it because its a validative check for decision makers to remain confident in software we ship. Quine helps accelerate your deployments with pre-configured deployment topologies

What is a Quine?

excerpt: A quine is a computer program which takes no input and produces a copy of its own source code as its only output. The standard terms for these programs in the computability theory and computer science literature are "self-replicating programs", "self-reproducing programs", and "self-copying programs".

Input is Amazon Web Services and output are AWS Clusters

Pleas read the code of quine to become more familar with the unspoken abstraction. The spacing between codes is just as important as the codes used

Security Roadmap

Deployment Configuration Roadmap

  • document turtle deployment
  • document forward deployment
  • document kubernetes deployment
  • document Rancher deployment
  • document PostgreSQL deployment
  • document MySQL deployment

  • document redis deployment



ACM only allows 10 certs per accounts relative to the domain. Updating certs to update subject alt-names is important to move forward with this

ACM Logs Cert creation publically. This should be disabled in the future


In order to save time, I've opted to bypass the requirement to manage private-DNS. For private DNS, I would have to add an additional Hosted Zone with VPC to route requests. In the future, it needs to be fixed so that DNS requests only happen locally